Faux celebrity Tila Tequila admits that she is addicted to prescription pills and will appear on an all-new new season of one of VH1’s hit reality series “Celebrity Rehab.” The fame whore posted a long entry to her newly launched blog yesterday announcing the news and throwing a little shade at another famous substance abuser, Lindsay Lohan.
I was in denial for a long time but it takes a brave and strong woman to not only admit to herself that she has a problem, but also let the whole world know about it. It almost feels like I’m stripped down totally naked and standing in front of a million people. With that said, I KNOW I am an EXTREMELY smart girl, and to run all these empires when I am not even 30 yet, is quite an accomplishment, however I finally admitted to myself that I cannot rely on taking prescription pills everyday for the rest of my life! I didn’t spend my heart and soul into building this extremely successful website, invest every last ounce of money into it, and believe me, a site like this plus staff is EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE! I also have My new Record Label and getting all the contracts done to also start up my own management firm, but in order to do all of that, I MUST not be another “LINDSAY LOHAN” where I just flush everything I worked so hard for down the toilet for nothing….
NO WAY! So although this is not something I am very proud to admit, but at least I am strong enough to get help because I DO WANT A BRIGHTER FUTURE FOR MYSELF AND SUCCEED IN EVERYTHING I SET MY MIND ON!
So all you haters, who keeps saying mean shit, hiding behing your laptop and talking shit about me, not because you actually care, but you’re just being a cyber bully! So now that I’m actually getting help, and that takaes a lot of courage, and I know my TILA ARMY will support me through this journey and continue to support me….. but what will you haters do now? I’m finally getting help, shouldn’t you people support those who can finally admit that they have a problem? NOPE! So haters, just shut you’re mouths. SAY IT TO ME IN PERSON AND IT’S A DIFFERENT STORY!! But for now, all you loser haters can sit and hide behind your computer on your fat lazy asses not doing anything with you’re life besides stalking me and bashing my fans. Haters, if I CAN ADMIT THAT I NEED HELP, MAYBE IT’S TIME FOR YOU TOO, ADMITTING THAT YOU NEED HELP FOR CYBERBULLYING PEOPLE AND STALKING THEM 247!
With that said our OMG sources found out that if I do well on “CELEBRITY REHAB” and continue to stay sober, that VH1 May pick up my OWN SPIN OFF SHOW ABOUT MY LIFE SOBER NOW AND HOW I CAN HANDLE BEING A MOGUL, AND STILL TRY TO MEET THE LOVE OF MY LIFE! IT’s gong to be very raw and real.
So anyway, since the news already broke, I just wanted to tell you myself, and despite those rumors TMZ and many other website have on there that the only person they could find to be on the show was me and if that if they don’t find anymore people to sign on then the show will be cancelled! WRONG!