…and it won’t be about fairy-tales! Country/Pop singer Taylor Swift has taken a break since the huge success of her last album Fearless, which dominated both the charts and the garnered her several awards last year, but now she seems to be ready to make new music.
In an interview with Vogue, Swift reveals that along with turning 21 this year and moving out of her parents’ house, she will also release a new album in the fall. Fortunately, this one will be a lot more mature than her last.
“I don’t think I could put on a new character for two years of my life if it wasn’t really what I was going through. I have these formulas for making music; they’re almost mathematical: Who are you today? What did you write about in your diary? What idea hit you at 4:00 A.M.? Looking back on what these past two years have been for me, it feels like this magical dream of, Really? We toured all over the world? We played an arena in London? This is happening? Readjusting my goals and dreams has been something I’ve had to do a lot lately.”
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